List of publications / catalogs

    1. Year 1976. Exhibition catalogue: 8th Youth Salon, by Nenad Dogn, Stanko Spoljaric, Art Pavilion Zagreb
    2. Year 1976. Exhibition catalogue: Exhibition of young artists, by  Branko Ruzic, Croatian Society of Fine Artists
    3. Year 1977. Exhibition catalogue: Sculpture, by  Zdravko Poznic, Ljubica Stanovuk,  National University of Livno
    4. Year 1977. Exhibition catalogue: Innovation , by  Croatian Society of Fine Artists
    5. Year 1977. Exhibition catalogue: Exhibition of recent Croatian art, by Croatian Society of Fine Artists
    6. Year 1978, Exhibition catalogue: Konta, by Juraj Baldani, Croatian Society Of Fine Artists
    7. Year 1979. Exhibition catalogue: Exhibition of sculptures, by Karas Gallery
    8. Year 1979 Exhibition catalogue: Konta , by Self-Governing Culture Community Novi Zagreb
    9. Year 1981. Exhibition catalogue: Artist in crisis, by Ariana Kralj, Likum - Gallery Ulrich
    10. Year 1982. Exhibition catalogue: First Triennial of Croatian Sculpture - Confrontations;  by Ana Adamec, Darko Schneider, Davor Matičević, Glyptotheque of the Yugosalavian Academy of Sciences and Arts
    11. Year 1983.  Exhibition name: Josip Konta, Karas Gallery, Praska 4, Zagreb, Croatia, by Boro Pavlovic, Blazenka Ugljesic, Croatian Society Of Fine Artists
    12. Year 1984. Exhibition catalogue: Livnjaci in Livno, by Tomislav Sola, Rapko Orman, Ago Pivcic,  National University of Livno
    13. Year 1984. Exhibition catalogue: Fineart, by Ariana Kralj, Likum – Ulrich Gallery
    14. Year 1986. Exhibition catalogue: Spring Art Salon, by Rapko Orman and Ago Pivcic, National University of Livno
    15. Year 2002. Exhibition catalogue: Exhibition of sculptors and painters born in Livno, by Anic Gallery
    16. Year 2004. Exhibition catalogue : Exhibition of Living Academic Sculptors And Painters, Gabrijel  Jurkic Gallery
    17. Year 2005. Catalogue : Croatian artists to Plehan, by Vlatko Bazanovic, Slavko Hrani, Marko Prgomet, Franciscan monastery Plehan
    18. Year 2016. Exhibition catalogue: Meeting Of Three Generations, by Franciscan Museum and Gorica Gallery
    19. Year 2016. Exhibition catalogue: Small retrospective, by Josip Konta Art d.o.o.
    20. Year 2017. Catalogue of sculptures, 128 pages, by Josip Konta Art d.o.o.
    21. Year 2019. Exhibition catalogue: Small retrospective by Gallery of St. Krsevan (Antonija Modrusan, Pavao Roca, Valentino Drazic-Celic, Goran Margeta) - Fine Art and Contemporary Art Gallery of the city of Sibenik, Croatia

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