Delivery of artwork
All the artworks of Josip Konta come with a certificate of authenticity issued by the artist himself and a certificate of authorship from the Croatian Society of Fine Artists.
The artist provides free shipping of his works to any location worldwide, enabling art lovers to take delivery of his works without any additional costs, thereby saving time.
The sculptures are shipped in wooden crates custom-made for sculptures, which are certified for international shipping, ensuring the safety and protection of the artworks during transit to their new destination.Josip Konta (18. svibnja 1946. - 7. prosinca 2023.) bio je istaknuti hrvatski kipar i slikar čija je umjetnost obogatila kulturnu scenu Hrvatske i inozemstva. Diplomirao je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 1972. godine, a zatim je nastavio svoje obrazovanje kroz postdiplomski studij kao suradnik u majstorskoj radionici profesora Antuna Augustinčića od 1972. do 1974. godine.
Tijekom razdoblja od 1974. do 1977. godine, obnašao je dužnost direktora Ljevaonice umjetnina pri Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Nakon tog razdoblja, Josip Konta živio je i radio kao samostalni umjetnik u Zagrebu, gdje je svojim izvanrednim talentom i strašću prema umjetnosti ostavio dubok trag.
Njegova djela pronašla svoje mjesto kako u hrvatskim tako i u privatnim zbirkama širom svijeta. Josip Konta preminuo je 7. prosinca 2023. godine, ali njegovo nasljeđe u svijetu umjetnosti ostaje živo, a njegova umjetnička ostvarenja i dalje će inspirirati generacije budućih umjetnika i ljubitelja umjetnosti.Learn more:
Analysis of the sculpture and possible meaning
Josip Konta's sculpture Chaste stands out as an artistic work marked by its rich textural nuances and expressive silence. Cast in bronze, the fgure melds strength with introspection, with a gaze suggesting a deep inward focus. The surface of the sculpture refects Konta's technique—rough and almost scar-like, yet deeply tactile, inviting the observer to ponder profound, lived experiences.
The subject gently holds their hands over the lower part of the body, a gesture that can be interpreted as self-protective. This pose refects a moment in time, creating a paused narrative that suggests untold stories, leaving the interpretation to the interaction between the observer's insight and the artist's intent.
Even in the stillness of the bronze medium, the fgure manages to convey a sense of potential movement, contrasting the solidity of the material with the assumed fuidity of the human form. This contrast adds dynamism and vitality to the work, transcending the physical to touch the spiritual or symbolic.
Chaste becomes more than just a visual representation; it is a philosophical exploration of the essence of chasteness and human nature. Konta has not only shaped a fgure that occupies physical space but has created a work that occupies the contemplative spheres of the observer's mind, posing questions about vulnerability, strength, and the essence of being itself.
Josip Konta’s sculptural works reflect the artist’s deep fascination with themes of alienation, various states of the human spirit, and the individual’s position in society. Through his sculptures, Konta explores the complexity of human nature and the internal conflicts that accompany contemporary society.
His sculptural technique includes voids and irregularities in modeling, which are closely tied to the concept of negative space, further emphasizing the importance of the relationship between form and void in his works.
Konta uses negative space to achieve a specific aesthetic and convey a message in his works. The voids and irregularities in the sculptures symbolize feelings of alienation, emotional emptiness, or a lack of communication, further reinforcing his explored themes. The horse in Konta’s sculptural works often symbolizes humanity’s ideal reflection – that sought-after, better part of us that is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to achieve. The artist uses this motif to underscore the necessity of introspection for every individual.
Notably, the artist supports complete interpretive freedom for viewers of his sculptures, acknowledging that each interpretation of the work is subject to each individual’s personal experience based on their life experiences and understanding of the world.
Josip Konta’s bronze sculptures are produced exclusively in a limited edition of no more than eight original copies (1/1-1/8).